A semester has passed, and another nine semesters to go. It has been a bloody one, and adjustment from my cozy period before university. It hasn't been an easy one, on the contrary. It hasn't been fun on the entire journey as well, with emotional drain and hopelessness popping up now and then.
Now that the first semester is done, do I expect things to settle down?
My experience told me that the second won't be any better, nor the third, or fourth. But what's get better is that we are used to it at that point. Getting a bloody nose (figuratively in this case), failure, grave mistake, is a matter of when. It is bound to happen. But again, we need to get used to it. From those turning points, we could and have to learn from it.
Back to university. I expect a much harder fight this second semester. I'm taking 16 credits (SKS), much less than the first at 18 credits. The difference is, none are 'filler' courses like Religion or Pancasila worth 2 credits each, which you can learn on the side, but rather much tougher courses like Programming Algorithm, Discrete Mathematics, Advance Calculus, and such. It will be bloody, now that I'm not working from home anymore (seriously).
But anyway, I do feel it is all worth it. Seeing all those A's scores on the report does rinse all those doubts and weariness I felt before. Well, nothing worthy came easy, right?
Until next time, adios.